New Items....

New Items.... - Allpro Adventures

   Tag Accessories are almost here!

    Welcome to our February blog. I feel excited to be able to tell you that the NEW products we have been talking about are very close to being released. You have all been so patient and graceful with your advice for us as we studied the possibility of making TAG accessories available. We really appreciate feedback and ideas and try our hardest to take all of them into careful consideration. As in all situations involving many people, there are many different ideas. So we hope that as we are compiling these many different options and thoughts, we are able to accomplish something everybody will be delighted in.

   Item number one... a TAG awning has been designed that is very similar to our Tab awning that we have on our website . Unfortunately we don't have photos to share with you yet, but by our next blog in March we will release these photos and potentially be ready to start fulfilling orders for you. 

   Item number two... a TAG side tent has been designed!  If you have ever dreamed of having a side room for your TAG, it will finally be available!  We are aware that currently there is nothing available for the TAG trailer. And we are so excited that finally there will be a side tent available to you!  This side room will serve many different purposes.  We designed it in such a way that it will feel like a private changing room or you can open it and have nice ventilation with the full screen windows. The tent has lots of very nice features that you will appreciate. It will be a mosquito tight area to use for an extra bedroom for grandchildren or your furry pets.  And yes, it is big enough to walk into and to comfortably sit under as you relax. I can't wait to show you photos of it next month. 

    Item number three... Inflatable awnings for the Tab 320 and the Tab 400! 

    This fabulous awning pops up in minutes. No more poles, so a smaller carry bag, less weight, and still a very sturdy, high performance awing. So much awesomeness in this awning. Has side windows and roll up sides for nice airflow and great visibility while relaxing underneath. Total ingenious design! Comes with an air pump to inflate the front perimeter tube and the top horizontal tube. Finished assembly, as you can see, is very sturdy and strong. This awning will be offered first of next month on a special pre-order price for the month of March. They will arrive at our warehouse by the end of March. 

    Potential item number four... We are considering designing a step extension, or extra step that attaches to the step on your trailer. It would be a step that hooks onto your existing step to allow easier access into your trailer. This would be offered as an after market product that would be attachable to your step and add an extra step to your trailer. Please feel free to comment on facebook or shoot us an email at if this is an item that you would like to see available. 

     Thank You for taking the time to read our blogs. We hope to continue serving you with more and more items that will enhance your camping experiences and make traveling more relaxing and enjoyable. We are always open to suggestions for new products and as we find time we look into designing more items for you. Have a wonderful February as we all await Spring to break forth again. 



  • Granger Bertrand

    Yes… as well I am interested in the new inflatable Walker awning for the T@B 400, please add me the the list, any further info wold be appreciated

  • Robin Machin

    When will the tag tent be available and will it fit the tag boondock lite? Please sign me up.

  • Jim Fox

    Unfortunately, I have to sell my 2015 T@B. Is there an on-line site to advertise it?

  • John B Parsons

    What about a small outside shower room attached to the camper that doesn’t block window for the 320s. Just a little privocy for tick and critter body maintenance. Bug tight is not necessary. Just some privacy for tick inspection.
    Elton, You are a hunter gatherer so You probably know what I mean. Id definitely buy one.

  • Mark

    Please put me on the list for a pre-order of the awning for a T@B400. I am concerned about it’s ability to withstand wind. Any comments there?



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