New TAG Awning Release!!!

Another TAG Option....
We are so excited to offer another option for the TAG owners! We have designed this cute little TAG awning for a few specific reasons. Being conscious of the limited space in your vehicles and the fact that TAG glamping is unique, we were motivated to design this cute little awning. It will add a beautiful amount of shade plus fancy up your camping area with the various color options offered. Pictured below is a deluxe awning on the driver's side and a compact awning on the passenger's side. We are offering these awnings with a package price as a pair if you choose a set of the same color and model. Or you may order a single awning of the side you desire.
We love to give you a variety of color options to fit your taste of decoration. Browse through and see all the different colors available.
This is what we are calling the TAG Compact Awning for those of you who need something more light-weight and less bulky. This awning fits the budget as well as your car space. It adds a beautiful 4 feet of shade right outside your door. Go on over to the website and get yours now! We will be making them as orders come, so allow a few weeks to receive your awning.
All the TAG awnings are attached via a tie down strap that is sewn into the rear hem of the awning and runs all the way around the TAG and attaches at the front beside the handle on the TAG by a ratchet that is also sewn onto the awning. So your awning sits right behind your trim on the trailer and this keeps it from sliding off and it goes right down beside the hatch door to allow access to the kitchen while using the awning. Full set up directions come with your awning.
Notice we also made a Deluxe Awning for the driver's side. So if you already have an awning for your passenger's side and now want an awning for the driver's side you can order an awning just like the first one! Be sure to specify in the notes section that you need the driver's side awning. I look forward to serving you and we anticipate continuing to design new products for you.
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