Year End Inventory Sale

Year End Inventory Sale - Allpro Adventures


     A BIG Thank You from all of us here at AllPro Adventures for making this a great year for us. We cherish the relationships we built with nature loving people through this career. It has been a pleasure to work with all of you and learn from your creative ideas. I anticipate 2020 and am excited about the new products we will be offering throughout the year. 

   We will offer one more 2019 sale to as the year ends. Between Christmas day and New Years Day we will offer a 5% store wide inventory sale. This enables you to buy at a discount a product you already know you want for next camping season before our busy season. If you like the Walker Tent and know you will want one you may want to take advantage of this. It is a good savings on a product we love to offer because of the quality but can not often offer a special on. The 400 Boondock Walker tents are already on back order so you will see those are out of stock. These will be available again within a month or so. To take advantage of this discount enter allpro5off in the discount code box at checkout. It will automatically deduct 5% during those selected days.

   Have a blessed Christmas Vacation and a Happy New Year full of adventures in nature.                                                             


1 comment

  • William Kelley

    Dear Elton,
    I recently purchase a cover for my Tab 400. I wanted to write because I had a slight issue with the cover in the wind. I drove by where I have the Tab stored and noticed that the wind had caused the door zippers to work themselves up into the open position. I’m sure normally this wouldn’t be an issue but I do live on the west coast at the beach where it is windy most of the time. To solve the issue I attached a bungy cord from one zipper to the other wrapping it around behind the retractable step. This has held the zipper in the down position. If I could be bold enough to make a suggestion to modify your design to include a velcro cover for the zipper or some other solution that would lock the zippers in the down position would be helpful for future purchasers so they won’t have the same issue. I normally am not home at all because I go south for the winter. I had to be in town for family issues and drove by the Tab while I was in town. If I hadn’t been here then the cover and possibly the trailer would have been damaged throughout the winter as more wind would have torn the cover and exposed my trailer to the harsh winter elements. Thanks for reading and I hope this little review/suggestions will help.
    Will Kelley

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